My experience as a gender dysphoric child
Because Transgenderism is such a hot topic; I've decided to share my experience with gender dysphoria. I experienced Gender dysphoria approximately from the age of 7 or 8. I intensely wished I could be a boy. Prayed day and night that my breasts would disappear; even though i knew they wouldn't. And that I would never get a period. I did; around my 11th birthday. My whole life long it has been obvious that boys got a better deal. And adopting boyish behaviors didn't get me boy privileges. Like the boys got to use the clubhouse even though I had discovered it. I talked to the other girls, tried to spur them on to fight for our territory, but they just shrugged. I just wondered why no one else seemed to notice or maybe it was me who was crazy. My gender dysphoria dissipated more or less at age 14 upon assuming a heterosexual identity, and my body hatred morphed in to an eating disorder. Imagine I could hate my body AND become more sexually attractive to men all a...